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Test your knowledge and find out how well you can understand English speakers. Can you answer these questions?
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The coupon for Burger King's Croissantwich offers a buy one get one free deal.
Yes! it's promoting a buy one get one free deal.
No! it's promoting a buy one get one free deal.
Nope! it's promoting a buy one get one free deal
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The customer found that the deal was straightforward and clear.
No!  But one customer found that something was off
Yes!  But one customer found that something was off
No!  But one customer found that something was off
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BOGO deals are always transparent and easy to understand for consumers.
Nope! There is nothing in the text that explicitly states that BOGO deals are always transparent and easy to understand - maybe so, but we can't tell by looking at the text.
No! There is nothing in the text that explicitly states that BOGO deals are always transparent and easy to understand - maybe so, but we can't tell by looking at the text.
Yes! There is nothing in the text that explicitly states that BOGO deals are always transparent and easy to understand - maybe so, but we can't tell by looking at the text.
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Consumers perceive the quality of a bargain based on the actual value of the product.
Nope! consumers base their perception on the price they pay compared to the original list price.
Yes! consumers base their perception on the price they pay compared to the original list price.
No! consumers base their perception on the price they pay compared to the original list price.
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Amazon has never sold the item for more than $40 in the past decade.
Yes! Amazon has never sold it for more than $40 in the past 10 years.
No! Amazon has never sold it for more than $40 in the past 10 years.
No! Amazon has never sold it for more than $40 in the past 10 years.
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Retailers always maintain the regular price without any distortion.
No! retailers are often guilty of distorting the regular price.
Yes! retailers are often guilty of distorting the regular price.
No! retailers are often guilty of distorting the regular price.
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Customers always fall for BOGO deals without hesitation.
No! There is nothing in the text that explicitly states that customers always fall for BOGO deals without hesitation - maybe so, but we can't tell by looking at the text.
No! There is nothing in the text that explicitly states that customers always fall for BOGO deals without hesitation - maybe so, but we can't tell by looking at the text.
Yes! There is nothing in the text that explicitly states that customers always fall for BOGO deals without hesitation - maybe so, but we can't tell by looking at the text.
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BOGO deals always clearly represent a significant discount.
No! BOGO deals may not always represent a significant discount.
Yes! BOGO deals may not always represent a significant discount.
No! BOGO deals may not always represent a significant discount.
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